PreK Week 36 – War of 1812 and Wrapping up the Year!

We completed our last ‘official’ day of PreK for Elizabeth on Friday, June 20.  It was Daddy’s birthday so we quickly did a bit of reading and handwriting, and then decorated and make him a cake!  It was a fun and relaxed day, and a good way to end our year.

However, this years end and next years beginning are going to be pretty anticlimactic around here!  We finished PreK on Friday and will be beginning Elizabeth’s official Kindergarten year tomorrow, June 23.  We’re continuing most of our same materials that Elizabeth is working through right now – so just plugging along.  Because we’re expecting baby girl in August, I’d like to get a few weeks in so we are able to take time off when she arrives.

I am so extremely proud of the progress both kids made this year!  We had some major life changes going on this year (cross-country move, Daddy’s new job, expecting a baby!) but Libby and Ian handled everything so well and continue to amaze me each and every day!


This year Elizabeth learned: counting to 100, greater vs. less, single digit addition and subtraction and fractions.

She officially finished Singapore Math Essential B about a week ago after flying through the last section on fractions.


Ian learned to count to 20 this year, and is able to recognize numbers up to 20 written.  He is working on writing his numbers 1-10.


Over the last year, Elizabeth has learned to write all her letters in print, upper and lowercase.  She has gone through the Handwriting Without Tears Kindergarten workbook and is now currently half way through Zaner-Bloser Kindergarten workbook.


Elizabeth learned to read this year!  She came into her PreK year knowing her letter sounds and was able to put simple CVC words together, but she is now reading level 1 books with fluency.  Her confidence in reading has skyrocketed and I love to seeing her constantly picking up books and reading them!

Libby completed All About Reading Level 1 and ten lessons of All About Reading level 2 this year.  We love AAR and will be continuing with it this year.

Ian knows the majority of his letters and their sounds.  We’ll continue to review this as he begins All About Reading Pre-Level this coming year.

Read Aloud Chapter Books we read as a family this year include:

  • A Bear Called Paddington
  • Polar Bears Past Bedtime (Magic Tree House Series)
  • Toys Go Out
  • A Spotlight For Harry
  • Beatrix Potter Treasury
  • Little Pear
  • Little Pear and his Friends
  • Monday with a Mad Genius (Magic Tree House Series)
  • Little House in the Big Woods
  • Charlotte’s Web
  • Stuart Little
  • Mr. Popper’s Penguins
  • Milly-Molly-Mandy
  • Socks
  • Hans Christian Anderson Fairy Tales Treasury
  • Teddy Robinson Storybook
  • Twig
  • Magic School Bus and the Giant Germ
  • American Girl Caroline Books 1 – 4

Learning through Literature: American Girl Caroline and the War of 1812

I questioned jumping into the topic of the War of 1812 with Elizabeth, wondering if she would be able to understand.  I’m glad we went ahead and began reading the American Girl Caroline books.  She is really enjoying the adventures and is picking up history along the way!

We are lucky to live in the Chesapeake Bay area where many of the battles were fought, and because of this, throughout the month of June, there are several local events featuring the history of the War of 1812.  These events have been an amazing way to make what we’re reading come to life – from the clothing to the daily work such as sewing, farming and shipbuilding (Caroline’s Papa was a shipbuilder).  We even were able to witness a reenactment of a naval engagement between several tall ships and soldiers on shore of the bay.  The cannons thundered as we watched explosions on giant ships in the bay.  Because Caroline also lives on a bay where battle is taking place, it really helped to make this history come alive.








Celebrating Dad’s Birthday


On to a new year with a Preschooler and a Kindergartner!

PreK Weeks 32/33 – Pirates!

Arrrggghhh Matey we’ve spent the last two weeks learning about pirates!  We’ve had an adventure-filled few weeks 🙂


Elizabeth counted through 100 and wrote out all her numbers this week!  We used cubes to make groups of ten and count by tens. Ian also counted up to 25.  We will be starting on simple fractions next week.



Libby reviewed the letter F and also filled in letters of the alphabet in her Zaner-Bloser book.  Ian’s pretty excited about these I’s he made all on his own.



We’re on lesson 4 of All About Reading Level 2.  I know I keep saying it, but I am so delighted by Libby’s progress with reading.  Thinks are just really clicking in this area and she is reading with much greater speed and accuracy.  She learned the rules for when y says the long i sound.


Here’s a few pages of the reader she read from this week:


History and Literature

We’re continuing to read through A Child’s History of the World at bedtime and covered chapters 10-17 over the last two weeks.  Topics we read and talked about included the Trojan War, Greece and the first Olympic games and the birth of Rome.  Elizabeth continues to look forward to this and Alex and I find it interesting, too.  It’s been great introduction to history.

We finished Twig and I let Ian and Libby choose their next chapter book to read aloud.  They picked Magic School Bus and the Giant Germ.  Not exactly classic lit but an informative read none the less 🙂

The Giant Germ

Learning through Literature: Pirate Books!

Our local library was hosting a pirate-themed story time last week, so we picked out several more pirate books.  Most of our time was just spent snuggling and reading – there are so many cute children’s books about pirates!  We also watched the movies Reading Rainbow Sunken Treasure and the Muppet’s Treasure Island.


Pirate-Themed Story Hour – Singing a Song about Sweeping the Deck


A Pirate Craft – A Telescope


I had purchased some pirate party supplies on clearance at Target many months ago thinking that at some point they would be fun.  Ian especially took being a pirate very seriously and was in character all day!



We wrapped up pirate week with a special trip up to Annapolis where we had a special pirate expedition on a real pirate ship in the Chesapeake Bay  – where we learned that real pirates had sailed many years ago.

For anyone in the Annapolis Area, we highly recommend Pirate Adventures on the Chesapeake!  From start to end it was a wonderful family experience.  Each child gets their face painted and gets dressed up like a real pirate.  The kids are then taken into the story looking for map, finding treasure, and even firing (water) cannons at the enemy.  The trip ended with some tasty grog.  I was so impressed by the staff and the way they were so interactive with the kids, learning their names and pulling them into the fun.  We were sailing for an hour and the kids were engaged the entire time!



We also had time to check out the harbor in Annapolis and the Naval Academy.



The weather continues to be beautiful and we had quite a few park days over the last few weeks.  Also, our plants are starting to sprout!  L and I have been very good about keeping them watered and in the sun.


Park Days



We also attended a children’s program at the Calvert Marine Museum where we made our own kites and then went on a spring scavenger hunt through the marsh.  It was a hot and muggy morning but it was a fun time.


And we wrapped up the week with some Popsicle treats.


Looking forward to learning about farms next week and taking a field trip to a local kids farming event!

PreK Weeks 30/31

We’ve been busily keeping up with our reading, writing and math the past few weeks, and enjoying lots of good books and lots of time outdoors!


Elizabeth flew through the sequencing section where she labeled things first, second, third, fourth and fifth.  She did then entire section in two days!  Then we moved on to an introduction to telling time.  We used our foam clocks to demonstrate different times on the hour (one o’clock, two o’clock, ect.).


Libby reviewed letters A, D, and C (both uppercase and lower) in her Zaner-Bloser workbook.


We have completed All About Reading Level 1!  Libby is SO proud, and so are we!  Here she is with her certificate.


We started All About Reading level 2 and have completed 2 lessons this week (mostly review).


We read chapters 6-9 from A Child’s History of the World and learned more about Ancient Egypt.  Hieroglyphics, Pyramids, Mummies, and the Exodus of the Jews were the topics we read about.  We added some fun books from the library, as well, during read-aloud time.



We are 3/4 the way through the classic book Twig, which is a sweet story about a little girl and her imaginative world of fairies and animals right in her back yard.

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Much of the rest of our time this week was spent outside playing at the local parks and with neighborhood friends!  Libby and Ian had the chance to play on a tire swing for the first time, and what a hit it was!



And that’s it!  We’re really enjoying the gorgeous weather!

PreK Week 11 Review Halloween Happenings


My two loves, a fairy and a monster, right before heading out to trick-or-treat!

We had a slimy, spooky, and fun Halloween week!

Exploring the Human Body: Eyes

We finished up our unit on eyes this week.  We talked about what happens when people can’t see as well as they’d like to.  We set up an ophthalmologist office right in our own living room!  Libby took her vision test, and then tried on several pairs of glasses to find the perfect ones (I purchased reading glasses from the dollar store).  We also looked into a spoon to see the upside-down vision of ourselves – this shows us the image that the retina receives.  Finally, we added eyes to our human body wall posters.


We began simple addition/subtraction problems this week.  We used candy corn as a fun manipulative!  We also were able to use our Halloween candy to sort by color, and make a graph of the different colors.  Libby and Ian figured out which groups had the most and least.

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We did a review of the ‘Frog Jump’ capital letters from HWT.  These letters include F, E, D, B, P, N and M.


We reviewed the ‘th’ sound and added the ‘sh’ sound this week.


Learning through Literature: Pumpkin Jack / The Very Busy Spider

I split this week into two mini-units.  On Monday and Tuesday we read Pumpkin Jack by Will Hubbell, which is a favorite that the kids still remembered from last year.  This book depicts the life cycle of a pumpkin in a full year.  We reviewed the pumpkin life cycle, checked out some mold, and talked about what exactly mold is, and we went to the pumpkin patch to observe pumpkins on the vine.  While there, we were able to take a fun hayride, as well.

Pumpkin books we included:

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On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday we focused on a spider theme while reading The Very Busy Spider by Eric Carle.  We learned how spiders spin their webs, catch their prey and eat.  Spiders are actually helpful in many ways!  We also finished up Little House in the Big Woods and began reading Charlotte’s Web this week.

Spider books we included:

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We made our own webs with yarn and paper plates cut around the edges.  We also did an experiment to show why spiders do not stick to their own sticky webs.  We learned that spiders make their own oil to coat their legs.  Using contact paper, we first touched the sticky sheet and got ‘stuck’ in the web.  Then we dipped our fingers into a bit of oil, and found that our fingers no longer stuck!

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We then set out to explore and find spiders and webs in our backyard.  We found many webs, but only one small spider.  It’s hard to see in my picture, but the kids were quite fascinated by it.  Even Libby was squatting down very close, and she is usually very scared of spiders.


After reading through The Very Busy Spider several times, I asked the kids to use their memories to create a list of the animals who were characters in the story.  They were able to name them all.  Then we played a fun game where I randomly chose one and they acted as if they were that animal.  Libby and Ian really love activities like this; they love to pretend.


The Very Busy Spider boardgame is fairly inexpensive on Amazon ($8.99), and my kids LOVE games.  I splurged and got it as a surprise and they loved it!  The game included color matching and animal recognition, all while working together to complete the spider’s web.

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Play-Doh spiders

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Additionally, we celebrated Halloween with some green gooey slime (recipe found here) and a tasty lunch of witches fingers, eyeballs, brain, ghosts, pumpkins, and spider webs – all washed down with blood juice 😉

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Pumpkins:  oranges with celery stems

Eyeballs: Hard-boiled eggs with olives

Ghosts:  Banana with chocolate chip eyes/mouth

Witch’s Fingers:  Carved carrots with apple peel nail secured with peanut butter

Brain:  Strawberry Jello

Web:  Melted bakers chocolate piped over pretzel sticks

Blood Juice:  Fruit Punch

Hope you had a great week! We’re off to a trip around the world next week with How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World.

PreK Week 7 Review {FIAR} The Story About Ping

We just love our unit studies, and it’s just getting sweeter as Ian is able to better understand and enjoy our learning time!  We had a great week reading The Story About Ping and learning about China, ducks, and the Chinese Autumn Moon Festival.



We read the story of Moses leading this Israelites out of Egypt in our Story-time Bible.

Exploring the Human Body: Muscles

We continued to learn about muscles this week, we read a few books, and also did a page of muscle stickers putting them in the correct anatomical position. 


We only got to one math lesson this week, and it was continued practice of the concept we have been working on.  How much greater/lesser is one group of objects than another.


Libby’s K workbook arrived in the mail this week, and she was so excited to open the package!  It was like Christmas morning!  She couldn’t wait to get started.  She worked on the letter ‘F’ this week.


Libby finished lesson 10 in All About Reading Level 1 this week.  She is working on CVC words with short ‘a’, ‘i’, and ‘o’ sounds.  She also knows sight words:  I, a, the, is, it, of and see.  Here’s a page of one of the stories she read this week.


Learning through Literature: {FIAR} The Story About Ping

My children loved this book!  This may be their favorite book we’ve rowed yet.  Both Libby and Ian really got into our study, recognizing similarities to the story in our everyday life.  Ian especially surprised me this week by how much he retrained from the book.  He sat so intently while being read, and laughed out loud with such enthusiasm at Ping’s misadventures.  When a cartoon came on the television set in China, Ian called out, “Look Mama, China!”.


We explored China’s geography and culture this week.  We looked at the different regions of China in our Children’s World Atlas, and found the Yangtze River.  The Yangtze River is the third longest in the world, and it is a longer distance than from our house to our grandparent’s houses in Michigan!  That’s a long river!  We listed to Chinese language spoken and also looked at Chinese writing.  The Usborne Beginners book about China was a fantastic read at their level.  They retained so much from it.

We read Chinese folklore Tiki Tiki Tembo and the kids enjoyed trying to say the long name!


Our FIAR art lesson this week was using colored pencils to recreate several of the techniques used in the illustrations.  Libby mixed the colors to form an evening sky, used colors to show reflection of the sun into the water, and also showed motion of the duck by putting squiggly lines around him.

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Ian began drawing people with bodies this week 🙂  He has been drawing smiling faces for a while, but decided to add a bit of a body.


On Wednesday night we went out to a Chinese restaurant for dinner.

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  While reading our chapter books for the week (Little Pear and Little Pear and His Friends) we learned the children in China believe flying kites brings good luck.  It just so happened that Thursday morning was unusually blustery, so we knew it was the perfect day to fly our own kites.  We had two very small kites that were not made well, and did not fly well.  The kids still had a great time, but we decided we will have to purchase better kites soon!

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After flying kites we went to the park to see the ducks.

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We had a duck lunch that day!


And we also had afternoon ‘tea’ (hot chocolate) with rice cakes.  I read Why Ducks Don’t Get Wet while they snacked.  After, we did the experiment suggested in the book.  Ducks produce a special type of oil that keeps their feathers dry.  We took two paper bags, and covered one with oil.  Then we put drops of water on each of them.  The bag with oil on it beaded away the water, while the bag with no oil became wet and soggy.

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Ping had a very large family!  We counted out each of the family members.


And we also used our tangrams.

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On Friday we switched gears a little bit.  We talked about the important holidays and festivals in China, one of which is the Moon Festival.


We read a few books about the festival, as well as about the moon.  We decorated for the festival by making Chinese paper lanterns, and eating special Chinese candy.

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Finally, on Saturday a local town was hosting a Moon Festival put on the the China Alley Historic District of Hanford.  We were able to walk through Historic China Alley and observe the architecture, music, food, and a beautiful tea room.  We watched a Chinese drum performance.

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PreK Week 6 Review {FIAR} The Tale of Peter Rabbit

This week we learned about muscles and hopped around while reading Beatrix Potter’s classic story, The Tale of Peter Rabbit.



We read the story of Moses and the burning bush in our Bible Stories book.  We also used the Christian Character and Bible Study Supplement with our Peter Rabbit unit study.  I read Ephesians 6:1 to Libby and Ian, and we talked about obedience to our parents and to God.  Why do we have to obey?  Parents and God have rules and boundaries to protect us!  Peter Rabbit disobeyed his mother and almost got put into a pie by Mr. McGregor!

Exploring the Human Body: Muscles

We began learning about muscles this week by watching the BrainPOP Jr. short movie about muscles.  We did a sticker page putting the different muscles onto the body.  I then gave them each a rubber band and we talked about how muscles contract and relax just like the rubber band.  They each felt their biceps change as they flexed their arm.  We also paid special attention all week of the movements our muscles allow us to do!


We did two lessons in Singapore Kindergarten B.  We are learning ‘how many more’ and ‘how many less’.


Libby officially finished the HWT PreK workbook!  Libby had to take a ‘test’ reviewing the skills she learned through the book, and writing her name.  She did fantastic!  The kindergarten book is on its way.

Learning through Literature: {FIAR} The Tale of Peter Rabbit

I had intentionally veered away from Five in a Row because I love it SO much that I wanted to save it for Libby’s official kindergarten year.  However, when our local homeschool co-op organized a trip to the local organic farm, I couldn’t resist rowing Peter Rabbit!  Unfortunately, the event ended up getting cancelled, but thanks to our great babysitter who is a member of the farm’s CSA, we were still able to take a tour of the farm and see the veggies in the ground!

We read several books about gardening this week, and also read through the Beatrix Potter Treasury of Tales at bedtimes.




Some things we did this week:

Beatrix Potter was a naturalist who used watercolors to illustrate her stories.  While I read the story on the second night, Libby and Ian made Peter Rabbit inspired pictures with crayon, then used watercolors to illustrate them as Beatrix did.


I cut out these pieces and they glued down the paper to form their pictures:


A list of vegetables mentioned in the book:

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For science we did an experiement showing how plants use their stems to ‘drink’ water and nutrients.  We added celery to a jar with blue -colored water in the bottom.  The next day, our celery leaves had turned blue spotted!

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We also put carrot tops in water and set them near the window.  Hoping we can grow some carrot tops in the next few weeks!


On Thursday night we visited the farmer’s market and purchased many fresh veggies, fruit and honey!  These veggies were grown at the farm we visited (!  On Saturday morning we were able to visit the farm, and on Sunday we made chicken and dumplings with our veggies.  We loved Peter Rabbit and we love Five in a Row!  So blessed to have found this wonderful learning resource.


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PreK Week 2 Review

This week we had a great time learning about bears and colors, as well as continuing our reading and writing skills!


This week we read the Bible stories of Noah’s Ark and the Tower of Babel. I was able to pick up a beautifully illustrated Noah’s Ark book from the library. The kids especially loved Noah’s ark and looking at all the pairs of animals.


Exploring the Human Body: All About Me

This week we talked about the concept of genes, and looked at the color of our eyes and hair. We added hair to our human body posters, as well. We also read about our body reflexes including hiccuping, sneezing, yawning and tickling.



This week with Singapore KB we worked on the concept of “one less” for beginning subtraction problems.


Libby and Ian are still loving All About Reading Level 1. We started lesson 3 this week and are reviewing the phonograms b, d, g, n and t. We are using these sounds and previously reviewed sounds to created CVC words such as mad, sat, Sam, ect. Elizabeth does so well sounding out the words! I love this program because there are several games, cut and paste activities, and magnetic tiles. This approach keeps her really engaged and enthusiastic.


We practiced capital N this week with our HWT wooden shapes, chalk board and workbook.



Learning through Literature: Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?


We had so much fun with these adorable books written by Bill Martin Jr. and illustrated by Eric Carle. Because we have studied brown bears in the past (with Blueberries for Sal and We’re Going On A Bear Hung), we focused more on learning about the arctic and polar bears.

We read Magic Tree House Polar Bears Past Bedtime.

We watched BrainPop Jr. movies about forest habitats and arctic habitats and compared them.

We recreated Eric Carle’s illustrations using this fantastic tutorial. It was so easy and fun! We used plastic forks to give texture to our paintings.


20130901-195531.jpgThe hubby and I made this polar bear coconut cake (with mints) for the kiddos to kick off our learning week. They loved it!


Elizabeth worked on patterns with this printable from


And Ian focused on learning colors. Here he is using the color wheel to match colors to the different animals from the book Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?


To build on our study of colors, we watched the Magic School Bus episode about rainbows, and then had some science experiment fun!


Our Color Books

Using large test tubes filled with water and dye in primary colors, we first held them up to the light and ‘mixed’ the colors without even opening the tubes!



And then we poured the water out and mixed the colors with a dropper. What a blast! They would’ve gladly done this for hours, and it they were really understanding which colors were primary, and they learned which colors mixed make new colors.



And finally, we wrapped up our week by making these oatmeal raisin bear paw cookies!


PreK Week 1 Review


Our first official week of ‘PreK’ was great!   We’re getting back into the swing of our routine and having fun!  To kick off our first day, we went out for lunch and ice cream.  Libby and Ian were both very excited to be doing ‘school’ again 🙂




This week we read through the stories of Creation and Adam and Eve.  Libby especially is enjoying her new storybook bible.

Exploring the Human Body: Cells

To prepare for our human body study, on Tuesday we pulled out a large roll of paper and traced around each of the kids bodies.  We hung our traced bodies on the wall – and now they are ready to add all our body system parts to them as we learn.

We kicked off our human body study with by learning about the building blocks of our body: cells!  We read several books, including, Cells Are Us.  Libby and Ian each chose their favorite cell to color a picture of.  Libby chose a red blood cell, and Ian chose a bone cell.



We then did a fun activity to learn about all the different parts of an animal cell.  I used partially-solidified blue Jello to represent cytoplasm of an animal cell.  We then added in different fruit and candy to represent different parts of the cell.  While I did say the names of the parts as we added the items, it was not my intention that L and I fully grasp or remember the name and function of the cell parts.  Rather, I hope they take away that many specialized parts work together to help us live and function, and that hope they understand how truly wonderfully and intricately in which we are made!




We started Singapore Kindgergarten B, and did 4 pages.  We learned about simple addition (What is one more than 5?).  Libby thought this was pretty easy and told me, “Mom, I already know how to do this….”  🙂


We finished lesson 1 of All About Reading Level 1 this week.  We reviewed the short vowel sound of a, and phonograms m, s and p.  We also played a game with Ziggy decoding vowels from consonants.  Libby’s got it down!

We also started our first read aloud of the year: A Bear Called Paddington, which we are all enjoying very much!


We practiced capital M this week with our HWT wooden shapes, chalk board and workbook.

Learning through Literature:  If You Give a Moose a Muffin


This week we read through Laura Numeroff’s If You Give a Moose a Muffin, as well as many of her similar titles.  These are absolutely adorable books that had both kids laughing out loud!  We talked a bit about cause and effect relationships, and made up our own cause and effect stories.

“If you give a Libby a doughnut, she will want some juice!” – Libby, Age 4

We did some fun muffin activities!

We made banana muffins:

moose 6

And played a numbers / sorting game:moose 7

And worked on our word families:Moose 8

We also learned to sew using large plastic needles and yarn – just like the moose needed to sew his button.

moose 10

moose 9

All in all, I think both kids enjoyed the week!  I just love catching them going back over what we’ve learned on their own.  My goal is to ignite a love of learning; so far, so good.

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Pre-K Plans 2013 / 2014

Pre-K Plans

Not much is changing around here, we keep our steady routine and will be continuing with many of the same things we started last year. My children thrive on routine and beg to do activities. As always, once they say they’re done, or want to move to something else, we do!

Libby is 4 this year, and is my academic-minded, workbook-loving child! She just can’t get enough, and wants to read for hours and hours. Ian will be 3 this year, and he tags along and has fun with his sister. He is my active and exploring boy who prefers to learn through ‘doing’ and play.

Morning Basket

We start our days out snuggling on the couch; it’s a great way to ease into our day. We use a ‘morning basket’ with books that we read short stories from every day. We rotate topics reading from a few books each day. This year our morning books we are reading are selections from Sonlight’s P4/5 program.


101 Favorite Stories from the Bible

A Treasury of Mother Goose

The Children’s Book of Virtues

Stories from Around the World

Things People Do

Varying books about the body – Each week we will read a book about a different body system (Libby asked especially for this!)


We rotate through colors/numbers/shapes/letters.

Literature – Homeschoolshare Units

We love learning through books around here, and Before Five in a Row was a perfect fit for last year. We will continue with literature units based on children’s books from These are fabulous unit studies have that have been put together by homeschooling mothers and they are free! Built into the units are language arts, social studies, science and art. We will return to Five in a Row next year for K! I wanted to save it to use until Libby and Ian are both within the advised age/maturity levels so we can continue to learn together.


Reading – All About Reading Level 1

Libby completed All About Reading Pre-Level at the beginning of the Summer. Through this program we reviewed rhyming, syllables, word length, and letter sounds. We are HUGE Ziggy fans around here, and he will be continuing with us to AAR Level 1 this year.


Math – Singapore Essential Math Kindergarten B

Libby completed the level A last year, and we will continue through level B this year.

Essential Math Kindergarten B   -

Handwriting – Handwriting Without Tears Get Set for School

Again, we started this last year and are moving at a very slow pace. Both children enjoy using the wooden blocks and chalk board to create letters. Ian loves this because it’s hands-on and Libby enjoys tracing the letters in the workbook.


I’m looking forward to a great year!
